
En EC generamos Newsletters sobre diferentes temas relevantes a la industria de la ingeniería y construcción en los cuales también tenemos experiencia. Los temas de todas las Newsletters* publicadas hasta la fecha se encuentran abajo. Puede descargar la Newsletter con el tema que más le interese haciendo clic sobre el título de la misma. 

  1. The Construction Industry and COVID-19
  2. What has happened so far and what we can learn from it (Oct 2020). In the midst of a global pandemic, this has sent most of us to a remote work modality, and the construction industry is sensing the pressure to change its business model and integrate the use of digital tools.

  3. BIM Standards (Building Information Modeling)

EC's interest and expertise on BIM has led us to release a second newsletter regarding this topic. This newsletter focuses on providing the reader with an overview of the broad variety of international BIM guidelines and standards for several countries and clients taking a closer look at existing British BIM standards.

  1. DMS in Engineering and Construction Industries 

The importance of Document Management Systems in engineering and construction industries is the focus of this newsletter. EC has developed its own DMS in-house, which is called "Projects Online" and signifies a particular benefit for our clients. This tool is also described in this newsletter.

  1. BIM Process: Concepts and Applications to the Construction Industry

The process of Building Information Modeling is provided, exemplifying why BIM tools are different to what has been used so far in design and construction of buildings. The importance of this technology is highlighted and its application of facility management.

  1. World Trade Center III, "Torre Futura" and its Structural Aspects

EC was responsible for Torre Futura's structural design and supervision of the project. The newsletter depicts relevant aspects of this iconic project with unprecedented engineering standards in El Salvador  looking at aspects such as the foundation systems, the structure options for high-rise building and earthquake-resistant design.

  1. PEP (Project Execution Plan): An Overview

At EC, we always use a PEP for our projects. This newsletter introduces the reader to the importance of a PEP and goes into detail on the contents of a PEP which include, for instance, the Project Brief, the Project Baseline and the Project Risk Management, to name a few.

  1. Wind and Seismic Design in Brazil

This newsletter looks into wind and seismic design for the specific case of Brazil. For this purpose comparisons between Brazilian norms (NBR) and US norms (UBC) are made when possible. The newsletter concludes with the explanation of two general approaches being used for seismic design of a specific structure.

  1. Project Management in the Construction Industry

The knowledge and correct execution of project management techniques are key for succeeding in an overwhelming range of activities. This newsletter gives insights on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and looks into the different relevant project management documents.

    1. Bridge Design

    Bridges have the same common goal of serving the needs for better access, better transportation links, better trade between communities and mostly improving the daily life of those who use them. This newsletter talks about bridge engineering and bridge aesthetics as well as the main bridge types according to their structural design.

      1. Wind Power Stations

      Wind power has become one of the broadest-based renewable energy technologies, with installations in more than 70 countries (as of 2009). This newsletter serves as a great overview to learn more about the elements of wind power stations, the wind power origin and winds at the surface.

        1. Wind Design in Central America

        Central America, located within one of the most active tropical cyclone prone areas. This concise newsletter provides an overview of the minimum and maximum basic wind speeds and wind pressures in the different countries of Central America. It also gives an example on how these measurements influence the structural and civil design of different projects at EC.

          1. Seismic Zones in Central America

          Central America is located in a highly seismic zone, where earthquakes occur either by the interaction of tectonic plates or by volcano activity in the interior parts of the isthmus. This newsletter contributes to a general overview of the seismic hazards of the region presenting two main parameters: The seismic zone factor (Ao) and the elastic response spectra.

            1. Hospitals

            From this newsletter, the reader can learn about the history of hospitals and get an overview of the current situation worldwide. EC has participated in various projects in the healthcare facility construction sector in El Salvador which are also described in here with the scope of services provided ranging from on-site assessments to evaluation of vital supply lines.

              1. Energy Sector

              Growing world population and increasing standards of living both result in an increase of demand for energy. This newsletter goes into electricity generation technologies such as hydroelectric power generation, fossil fuel power generation and renewable energies and EC's activities therein.

              (*Nota: todas las Newsletters han sido redactadas únicamente en inglés)